Codes of Practice

Share Energy Terms And Conditions

Share Energy codes of practice

Share Energy is steadfastly committed to excellence in all aspects of our operations. Our Codes of Practice, available below, set out the minimum standards we uphold to ensure your confidence.

Need another format?

If you or someone you care for requires any of the documents listed on this page in an another format, don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team on 0808 304 9870 - they'll be more than happy to help! 

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From the press...

All systems go! Share Energy is live.

Welcome to Share Energy - the supplier that shares its profits 50/50.

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From the Blog...

How does electricity flow across borders?
How does electricity flow across borders?

The answer is through interconnectors, these high-voltage, power-pumping highways that keep energy flowing between regions, countries and even islands.

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In the community...

Share Energy shows up for Foyle Hospice

The Share Energy mascots went down a storm at the recent Foyle Hospice Fundraiser.

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